Board retreat

CMW's board of directors retreated to a conference room at Providence's Save the Bay Center to prepare for the upcoming 12th (!) season. As one board member noted, the "power of Community MusicWorks is in the continuity…"

Providing a synopsis of the first eleven years of CMW, Sebastian spoke about graduating from Brown University in 1997 with the vision of Community MusicWorks as an "experiment in educational ideas." He pondered the question, "how would we do music education differently to maximize the experience of transformation?" One key to CMW's approach is that we practice "inreach" (as opposed to outreach) and therefore the transformation in our neighborhood can be shared by children, families, and also importantly, the musicians themselves.

It's going to be a great 12th season. Details to be announced soon…
-Heath Marlow, CMW staff

Phase II students Josh and Luis (pictured below with board president Liz Hollander) join board veteran Kirby as CMW's student representatives.

