Celebration of Debbie Wyatt

On Sunday, November 8, the West End Community Center held a celebratory luncheon to honor the work of Debbie Wyatt, their director for over a dozen years, now retired for health reasons. Debbie is a longtime friend of CMW. She welcomed Sebastian and his dream of bringing music education to the neighborhood. She later served on our Board of Directors and supported CMW every step of the way. 

The CMW Phase III trio of Josh, Paul, and Natasha played as things got started and then performed some special pieces for Debbie, as did Alana, daughter of Erika who works at the West End Community Center. Mayor Cicilline and Councilpersons Lombardi and Young were there to sing her praises, as was Sebastian and the rest of our CMW contingent. The Mayor had his picture taken with the CMW students and told us he wanted to make the photo into his Holiday card and ask folks to send donations to CMW. Go Mayor!


A CMW table was graced by present and former CMW board members and program parents (Siobhan, Jacque, Karen, Liz, Carol, and Vithianny.


It is Debbie who says, “Just because kids grow up in disadvantaged circumstances doesn’t mean they can’t be citizens of the world!”

-Liz Hollander, CMW Board President