Music Is All Around


Jayden, a cello student in the Daily Orchestra Program surprised me the other day when he said in a tone of frustration, “It’s going to snow more, and school’s going to be closed again!” I always liked the snow when I was a kid (and I still do). “What’s wrong,” I asked, “don’t you like snow days?” “I do,” he explained, “I just don’t like missing music!”

I shouldn’t have been surprised, as Jayden has shown a lot of motivation to learn as much as he can in the orchestra program. Daily Orchestra Program students don’t take their instruments home, but Jayden recently taught himself to play May Song at home in his head from a YouTube video, and then surprised me by playing it for me on his cello after orchestra rehearsal. Now he has started memorizing songs he learned to play on the recorder at school so he can play them on the cello when he comes to orchestra. I’m touched by Jayden’s enthusiasm for the cello, and our conversation reminded me of a school project he shared with me in the fall. I’ve included a copy of Jayden’s school project here- complete with illustrations.

–Adrienne Taylor

Jayden's cello project