“Their first home is Community MusicWorks”

Sometime early last spring. . .I am not sure exactly when it was. . .a Paul Cuffee School parent and I were talking in the hallway as school was letting out. This is a parent whom I had known for some time, someone whose children had been at Paul Cuffee School for more than one year. I had reason to believe that they were doing well and very happy to be at Paul Cuffee School. Nonetheless, I was a little surprised, but also quite proud to hear this parent comment that Paul Cuffee had become her children’s second home. Of course I said that I was very pleased that they felt at home at Paul Cuffee School, and I went on to say I knew that their “first” home was very important to them and that their home was very supportive of their work at Paul Cuffee. “Oh,” the parent said, “Their first home is Community Music Works.”

-David Bourns, CMW Board (and recently retired from Paul Cuffee School where he served as Head of School)