Tucked away behind an auto parts store on North Main is this surprising performance space, the Carriage House, which Community MusicWorks chose for its reunion concert last weekend. Although we know to anticipate every musical event CMW organizes, this was both an accomplished musical experience and a heartstoppingly intimate ambience.
The two well-known pieces drew only a limited audience, but it was just right for the space given the large number of performers, mostly standing and all dressed casually, drawn from the ranks of past and present teachers in the CMW program. The group had come together to rehearse and feast and socialize all weekend, and by the time Sebastian finished introducing conductor and friend David Goodman, the room was brimming with waves of affection.
Goodman’s graceful and sensitive leadership brought out a truly lyrical dynamic, and the players responded with verve and obvious pleasure, seeming to be played even as they played their instruments.
The homey touches, the genuine feeling, the blue jeans, the pause to find another second-violin score–all worked to create a magical blend of pure joy in the music and appreciation of the style of presentation.
Another memory to treasure from this extraordinary group!
-Nan Sumner Mack

Rehearsing all day at the Edgewood Manor.

Sailing with Phase II in Newport on Friday.

Safely back ashore, the Phase II ice cream party…

Celebratory dinner at St. Bart’s Social Club following Sunday’s concert.