How was your holiday break? We had one more than expected!
Community MusicWorks staff returned to find we’d had a break-in here at the office, and our main computer and a videocamera were stolen. Luckily, or perhaps just plain wisely, we’d backed up our data online and, thanks to insurance and the help of some tech savvy friends, we’ll be up and running in no time.
However, this incident played out the transformation theme we’d touted as we reached year ten. Community MusicWorks turned an incidence of theft into an opportunity for members of our community to pitch in with support: the torch wielding dudes at The Steel Yard, who are creating custom ornamental door reinforcements, our lovely and talented board member Paula Bodo, who left a family outing to be first on the scene for the Providence police, our volunteer tech guru Gabriel Read who painstakingly retrieved our data during his school vacation, J.J. Jacobson, who, dressed as indie Santa, donated the videocamera in the first place and helped with our insurance claim, and the quick response of our fantastic landlords Gary and Teresa, among others.

CMW’s Top Model
The cherry on top of our make-lemonade-from-lemons cocktail is our new iMac and it’s popular feature Photo Booth.

Sebastian and Josh count to four
This organization has witnessed and participated in the comfort and spirit of community support in the face of adversity more than once this past year. For that gift we are truly, truly thankful. So, in the event our computer thief is surfing the blog on our five-year-old slow-as-molasses stolen PC, I say: Take that!! …or just try to.

Minna glows in the New Year

-Liz Cox, CMW staff