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Youth Salon Media Lab videos

Three videos created by Phase 2 students were featured at a past Youth Salon. Liam and Jesse both shared photographs – Liam’s composited images featured his friends and family, and Jesse’s photographs highlighted scenes from the environments he finds most inspiring. Liam also recorded an original soundtrack for his piece!

Alex interviewed her sister, Natasha, a Community MusicWorks alum and Brown University undergrad alum.

Phase 2 perform Mozart G Major String Quartet

Heather, Angie, Liam and Karl (otherwise known as the Incredible H.A.L.K. Quartet) are in Phase 2 and have been working on the Allegro from Mozart’s String Quartet in G Major for a few months. Here they are giving a casual performance for their Phase 2 colleagues as a dress rehearsal for this year’s Youth Salon.


Omar performs Vivaldi’s Autumn

Omar learned a lot about Vivaldi this year. He first discovered Vivaldi through reading a book called  “I, Vivaldi” – the book tells the story of how Vivaldi followed in his father’s footsteps to become a violinist and grew up to be the music director of a girls orphanage. Vivaldi wrote many concertos for the girls including the Four Seasons and their orchestra became one of the most famous in the world. The girls often didn’t have a family name so they would take the name of their instrument as their family name – Marie of the Viola, Louise of the Cello etc. Here is Omar of the Violin’s performance of Vivaldi’s Autumn…


At a recent CMW workshop, the hip hop string quartet Sweet Plantain performed a rockin version of Vivaldi’s two cello concerto that made us all want to dance. Check out Jori’s photos on flickr! Not only does Omar play Vivaldi really well, he can dance too!


Omar plans to learn themes from the other Four Seasons this year…




Performances, Events, Projects