Ealain McMullin

Building paper violins in NewportNewport String Project Students present BOWHOLDS!Music Explorer Project – VanNashlee performs two folksongsVanNashlee performs two folksongs – one from Germany and one from Lithuania http://youtu.be/Sod8UiGC4sg
Music Explorer Project – Genesis plays a tune from the Shetland IslandsGenesis is a member of the Green Magic Orchestra at CMW. She has been preparing this tune from the Shetland Islands for Green Magic’s upcoming performance at the 2013 Youth Salon. The performance will also feature solos performed by a Phase 2 Quartet. http://youtu.be/JEbjLqKni6c Music Explorer Project – Amy performs an Irish jigAmy shares her work on the Kesh Jig (or perhaps the Quiche Jig?) which she has been playing with her school principal. Amy has already performed the song for a Kindergarten class at her school and will give another performance for the whole school later this year. http://youtu.be/9JB_yPXemik Music Explorer Project – Jannessa performs a Zambian tribal songJannessa shares her performance of a tribal song from Zambia called Ozibani http://youtu.be/xm9T_1u_fHI Music Explorer Project – Jannessa performs Welcome SpringJannessa performs the Swiss folksong Welcome Spring http://youtu.be/RT3PBpqlSy4 Music Explorer Project – Jannessa plays a song from RussiaJannessa introduces and performs Russian Lullaby http://youtu.be/XHBu0fYbZRc Phase 2 perform Mozart G Major String QuartetHeather, Angie, Liam and Karl (otherwise known as the Incredible H.A.L.K. Quartet) are in Phase 2 and have been working on the Allegro from Mozart’s String Quartet in G Major for a few months. Here they are giving a casual performance for their Phase 2 colleagues as a dress rehearsal for this year’s Youth Salon. http://youtu.be/uKrIIEZZ20Q Music Explorer Project – Jaden performs a German folksongJaden performs the German folksong Hide and Seek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GGwz79qS9w |