IKEA to the rescue
After weeks (or was it months?) of agonizing over color palettes, types
of seating, laptop tables vs. laptop desks, when the delivery van would
show up, and just exactly what Sebastian meant by "comfortable but not
really comfortable," Liz and I unveiled the new Half Moon Seminar
Room (on the 3rd floor of 1392 Westminster) on Tuesday morning.
The official christening will take place
during staff meeting on Friday, with sparkling apple juice that's
exactly the same color as the couch, just in case. My hands are scraped
up from helping assemble 12 chairs and a couch in about 4 total hours,
but I've felt amply repaid by all the oohs and aahs as staff members
have wandered in to admire. The atmosphere is open and calm, serious,
with a little taste of the jaunty to keep us from being TOO straight
ahead. Kind of like CMW?? Come by and visit–and make sure Liz or I
are around to hear the oohs and aahs….
-Chloe Kline, CMW staff