Stone Soup for Community DayWe all know the story. Weary travelers venture into an unfamiliar town. The residents become curious when these strangers start boiling a cauldron of “Stone Soup.” One by one the villagers contribute ingredients to create a more and more delicious meal. The Stone Soup story was the theme of Tuesday’s Community Day, our annual gathering to kick off the new school year for our students and families. Amid cheerful games and dinner we also watched the Fellows Quartet perform a dramatization of the stone soup story (only in their version the weary travelers created a beautiful performance of a Haydn Quartet rather than a soup), and we examined the question “What ingredients do we need to make CMW great?” Each student ensemble broke out into discussion groups and came up with their own cauldron of ingredients which they hope to bring to their rehearsals and practice throughout the year. The evening was a wonderful way to reconnect after the summer, to welcome newcomers to the community, to enjoy music and food together, and to kick off the year with happiness and intention. We are all excited for the musical “soup” that is to come!
–story and photos by Lisa Barksdale (Resident Musician) |