The Phase II year begins!
Last Friday Phase II students and CMW staff traveled to Camp Hoffman in South Kingstown, RI for our annual overnight retreat. The weekend included lots of music, s’mores and songs around a campfire, icebreaker games, bonding activities, a nature walk, and group discussions. It was a great opportunity for students and staff to reconnect after the summer break.

On Saturday morning students met in their chamber groups to read music and begin working as an ensemble. Each group will rehearse and perform together throughout the coming year.
In one group activity, students were challenged to imagine how art or music could be a force for positive change three decades from now. Students conceptualized a monument commemorating a notable artist and described how their legacy was worthy of public recognition. Phase II will continue to examine the relationship between the arts and society in their Friday evening discussions over the course of the year.

A highlight of the retreat for me was the raucous game of “Entourage”: a brief but extraordinary version of rock-paper-scissors where the losers of individual matches form a fiercely loyal cheering squad around the winners in a lively play-off that culminates in an unrestrained victory.

It was a great weekend and everyone left feeling excited about what this year has in store!
–Josie Davis (Violin Fellow ’15-’17)
Watch the Entourage icebreaker game on our Facebook page.