Providence Quartet photo shoot

This was no ordinary shoot. This was a shoot for VW magazine. No, not Violin World… not Viola World… that would be VW as in Volkswagen!! (Yes, that’s right – Volkswagen.) In case you’re wondering, none of the quartet plays a Volkswagen instrument… but they do love VWs! Cellist Sara Stalnaker describes the shoot:

For our VW Magazine shoot on Tuesday, we spent the afternoon lazy-ing up against cars, widening our pupils, and chatting CMW-style. CMW-style chatting is a collage of healthy sarcasm, pressing concerns, and broad considerations and that go something like this — Oh, Jesse, can I get those summer rental forms to you by Wednesday? Question: Do we help pay for non-music related summer activities for our students? Sebastian, you’re channeling Keanu Reeves particularly well today." They told us to start interacting for the camera then, I believe, quickly regretted the request, because they couldn’t get us to stop!

-Sara Stalnaker, Providence String Quartet
