Dear Barrington Patch Editor,
Thank you for putting an article about my March 13, 2011 Community MusicWorks Benefit Concert in the [Barrington] paper. It was a great way for me to advertise my concert, and more than 100 people attended the concert. I want to also say thank you to all that attended and made a donation. With your help, I raised over $1,300 and with this money, [Community MusicWorks] kids will be able to take private lessons, and attend music workshops and performance parties(a recital where the whole community gets together for a potluck dinner). It was something I really wanted to do, and with your help I succeeded.
-Dustine Reich, 13-year-old violinist
Editor: Read the article about Dustine's Bat-Mitzvah benefit concert in Barrington here. Thanks so much Dustine!