Chris Turner Workshop
Hi! My name is Heather and I am a student at Community MusicWorks. I just wanted to tell you about the workshop we had on Friday [April 13]. There were two visitors, a harmonica and a fiddle player. The harmonica player’s name was Chris [Turner] and the fiddler’s name was Rachel [Maloney]. They played country music.
Chris had two harmonicas and in the songs they played, he used both. I was amazed. In my mind I thought, "Wow! How could he play that?" Also, the fiddle player was keeping the rhythm with her foot. She played the fiddle really good. While she was playing, the hairs on her bow kept falling off. My sister asked her a question. She asked Rachel how many bows she used in a year and she said six. I also noticed that the fiddle is different from a violin. We played Angeline the Baker. It was fun! It was a pleasure to have them there. Thanks to Community MusicWorks that we get to meet people like these!
-Heather Argueta, age 8