A small epiphany

was just reading the article about [CMW] in The New Yorker. I love what your
quartet is doing and the whole philosophy and I had a small epiphany I wanted
to tell you about.
I’ve been kind of dissatisfied lately without understanding why, the so-called
profession of ‘playwrighting’ and theater is sometimes like a closed airless
room – get a reading, get a production, get a job whatever – who even goes
except New Yorkers (and tourists, but only to Broadway)?
I realized some of the most excited I get about it is when I turn someone on to
it who isn’t at all into it – like my students – I took four of my Dominican
students who had never been to anything below 125th Street to see a one-woman
show with a Latina, Marga Gomez and this one small act changed four lives. I
figured I could do it because it was a speech class but now I’m thinking I
should do it in English 101 or even Developmental Writing. Of course there’s at
least the annual high school play all over the place in America but it’s not
coming from the place that is discussed in the article – anyway, forgive my
I love what you’re doing and it made my day a little brighter thinking about
how I might do it in my own life."
Yorker article reader [click here to download a pdf of the article that features CMW.]