

Ars Subtilior: Don Your Scrubs

On June 13 at 6pm at All Saints Church on Westminster, CMW will present the fourth installment of Ars Subtilior, a concert series I curate that focuses on subtlety in experimental music.

In the most recent Ars Subtilior concerts, we have presented works by known experimental music favorites such as John Cage, Morton Feldman, and Alvin Lucier.
This Saturday, we return to the unique work of my good friend André Cormier, whose music gets programmed by a handful of followers around the world. CMW staff, members of Phase II, and participants in the Institute for Musicianship and Public Service will be performing his Libelulles (Dragonflies) and Scrubbing.

How many substantial musical works can be learned, understood, and performed perfectly by mostly strangers with just one rehearsal? If we were going to try and play a Mozart symphony, for instance, it would require hours of preparation and all participating musicians would be expected to have a certain amount of training and understanding of a very particular music making practice. The audience would also be expected to have some knowledge of what a symphony is, recognize consonance and dissonance, and know when to clap.

Scrubbing throws this all out the window. It’s a score that really anyone could read and perform. All it requires are objects that can be scrubbed and a time keeping device. The score tells you when, how loud, and how fast or slow to scrub. It’s just a simple set of instructions but the result can be be quite stunning, with audience members being surrounded by delicate layers of brushing sounds, quietly undulating around them.

Libelulles (Dragonflies) is a little more involved, as it requires actual musical instruments and musicians that can make trilling sounds on those instruments.
But, that’s it. That’s all the audience will hear – little trills varying in timbre, dynamic, and range. The interior of the church will be transformed into a field rich with the sound of fluttering insects -but no bites or sun burn.

I admire the simplicity and unpretentiousness of Andre’s music. It allows everyone to enter the concert hall at the same level. Performers and audience members from all walks of life are allowed to have a meaningful and shared experience together.
There are no expectations, just (hopefully) pleasant surprises for all.

–Laura Cetilia

Video Highlights from the Commemoration of the Civil Rights Act Concert Event

In case you missed this event from Saturday, here’s a lovely video from CMW’s YouTube page with highlights from our commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the events of the Civil Rights Act. Many folks gathered at the Southside Cultural Center to celebrate this collaboration with the Rhode Island Black Storytellers that featured the CMW Players with Daniel Bernard Roumain, along with a newly commissioned piece by Jessie Montgomery.

The theme flows nicely into our End of Year Gala Performance!

Join us in celebrating our students’ accomplishments as they perform for our year end gala in the fabulous Columbus Theatre. Our all-student CMW Symphony will celebrate “Voices of Civil Rights”, and we’ll also honor graduating seniors and fellows.

Tuesday, May 26 at 6pm
Columbus Theatre
270 Broadway in the West End of Providence

Map and directions

The Orchestra Fine-Tuning the Performance of School Students


From the BBC news:

Eight years ago, one of Europe’s best-known orchestras moved their rehearsal rooms to a secondary school on this housing estate and pupils from Tenever found themselves sharing their corridors and lunch tables with professional musicians.

Since then the school’s results have improved, its drop-out rates have fallen to less than 1% and the atmosphere in the wider neighbourhood has been “transformed”, according to Joachim Barloschky, a local official who oversaw a programme of renovation and regeneration in the area.

Read the full piece here.

Spring Appeal: Double Your Gift with the Carter Match!

Dear friends,

As we warm to the emerging spring, Community MusicWorks celebrates our commitment to a definition of musicianship that graduating violinist, Andrew, says “helped to develop my voice, not only in the community of CMW, but in the community of the world.”

In his new work, author David Brooks talks about the deep sense of purpose that comes from applying one’s talents to the “world’s great needs.” This concept resonates with the work we do at CMW and the orientation we provide our students: How can we be citizens of the world, and deploy our musicianship for the world’s needs?

In particular, we have had a multi-year inquiry into the ways that musicianship can be a link to important social justice traditions. In May, Community MusicWorks will commemorate the 50-year anniversary of The Civil Rights Movement – the Civil Rights Act, Selma, the Voting Rights Act and more, as a way to converse with important voices of our past, and the issues of division and inequality we still face in our local communities.

With your gift today, we can sustain this dialogue and continue to cultivate the voices of young musicians like Andrew: active and involved citizens inhabiting the world.

Please join us in exploring the ways we bring music to bear on the world’s great needs, add young people’s voices to important inquiries into social justice, and create moments of beauty in our everyday lives.

Sebastian Ruth
Founder & Artistic Director

P.S. With your donation today, the Carter Family Charitable Trust will match all gifts to CMW up to a total of $75,000. Between now and June 1, you can double the impact of your gift.

Make your online donation here, or mail your gift to:
Community MusicWorks/Spring Appeal Challenge
1392 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02909




Fellowship Reflection: The Experience of Curiosity


If you’re in New England right now, chances are it feels like winter will never end (even though it’s now “spring”).  For me, that feeling is underscored by the knowledge that when the thaw comes, my time at CMW will be drawing to a close. I can’t quite wrap my head around the idea of saying goodbye to my students, my colleagues, and all my favorite places in Providence, but I’m also looking toward my next steps with a combination of excitement and trepidation.

This was a good time, then, for me to have the Alternative Models Seminar, both to work out what I want to do and why, and to have the opportunity to hear my colleagues speak and be touched and inspired by their passion, intelligence, and creativity.  That last bit may sound cliché, but in reality it is impossible for me to overstate how important it has been to me to be around people who I admire so much and who constantly remind me of how much potential there is in the world.

For those who have never had a chance to hear what the Alternative Models Seminar is about, it is a forum for fellows to present their current thoughts on what their future work might look and/or how they might design a program—how it might build off of their experience at CMW and how it might be unique.  A big part of it for me was sharing unanswered questions I have and challenges I’m wrestling with. A portion of the time is reserved for those listening to offer feedback and advice on what we’ve laid out.

For me, the second year was an opportunity to examine how my priorities and expectations had or had not changed over the course of a year spent working with my students and fellow teachers at CMW.  This gets at a fundamental question of great importance to me right now: What have I learned from the fellowship and in what ways has the experience changed me?  It’s too big of a question to ever answer fully, but this occasion offered me one little piece of the puzzle.

I came to CMW already with a strong belief in teaching philosophies and practices that are held dear here.  Collaborative learning, open dialogue with students, developing a practice of critical thinking, space for creativity, and mutual respect are all elements of a learning environment that I value. I have been learning from my colleagues, my students, and from experience how to effectively integrate these into my work and I will continue to look for new ways for the rest of my teaching career.

One other idea, however, has really grown in my mind with the passage of time. As I work with students and reflect on their growth as well as my own path through life, I try to tease out what drew me to make a career in music and what has led me to the greatest sense of fulfillment and purpose in life and the most exciting and rewarding time with students. The seed of it seems to me to be in the experience of curiosity.

Young people today are born into a world where they have unprecedented access to the output of human society stretching from the current moment back to the beginning of written history and beyond. All this information, all these resources, though, mean very little without the skills to use them, to understand art and ideas from times and places other than one’s own, to delve into something complex and confusing and have the satisfaction of making some sense out of it.  Like any skill, active curiosity takes practice to develop. The most meaningful time that I have had with students was in this process of questioning, exploring, and finding something together in the vast ocean of human creation that sparks in them the desire to know and understand. It is, after all, that same hunger that powers our innate drive for innovation, creation, and connection. My two years here have illustrated for me the power of these moments and I am determined to carry that forward, wherever my career takes me next.

–Rhiannon Banerdt, Violin Fellow ’13-’15

Boston Globe: Ueno’s “Inventive New Work”

In anticipation of this weekend’s series of events premiering the Community MusicWorks commissioned piece by Ken Ueno, the Boston Globe published this teaser for Ueno’s “inventive new work”:

“Four Contemplations” takes as its subject the museum’s ancient Dainichi Buddha and will unfold in three iterations. Ueno and 11 MusicWorks players will play the piece on Thursday in four 30-minute chunks in the museum’s Asian art galleries. The following Sunday, they will present it as an hourlong piece in the museum’s concert hall. The music will be recorded during these performances and at a later date will be accessible on the museum guide in the galleries. The piece was not only inspired by the Dainichi Buddha and by meditation practices but was also “influenced by my recent attempts to compose music specific to architectural spaces and people moving through those spaces,” Ueno wrote in an e-mail.

Learn more about each event and make your reservations here.