Top photo: Dayana, Djibril, Natasha, and Alexis at Apple Hill in 2022.
Bottom photo: Andrew, Jaxine, Natasha, and Alexis at Apple Hill in 2022.
Saturday’s concert at Bell Street supports CMW student scholarships to summer session at Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music. Over the many years CMW has been in partnership with Apple Hill, the ten-day summer session experience has made a profound positive impact for all participants, and several CMW students have gone on to work as Apple Hill Camp Directors and Counselors, such as CMW Alumni Fellow / violist AlexisMarie Nelson and Development Associate / cellist Natasha Rosario Dechambeau.
Here’s what some CMW students and alums have to say about Apple Hill summer session:
The last few days at Apple Hill have been amazing. I’ve already made so many memories. My favorite memory was singing campfire songs and making s’mores at the campfire. I hope I can continue to come here and have more fun and musical experiences at Apple Hill.
Apple Hill has been an amazing experience so far, I’ve made an abundance of friends and more importantly I’ve learned new skills from very skilled players and mentors. My favorite memory here at Apple Hill so far was the dance, I feel as though after that day I became a lot closer with the people here.
Apple Hill hooked me from my very first summer! I felt (and still feel!) so inspired by and in awe of the wonderful musicians of all ages who gather there every summer. It feels like home away from home!
Applehill has always been a welcoming place to learn, make friends, and especially to have fun. I especially love that it’s a place for all ages. I can always go back!
Make a donation to the Fred Kelley Scholarship Fund and send CMW students to Apple Hill!