
Preparing for Cage Concert

Last week we talked about a composer named John Cage. We watched some videos about him and looked at scores he composed and got a feel for how he is as an artist. He’s famous for “reinventing the musical playing field” (Malachy).  We tried some of his scores in class together because we have been invited to perform at the Arsenal on March 23 as part of a Cage Centennial concert.

This week we planned our performance. We picked durations for each of the scores we will perform by picking dominoes out of a pile. The numbers on the dominos told us for how many minutes we would perform each score.

We are most excited for eating cereal and bringing skateboards to the stage!




The Swan

Hi Karl!  This is the piece for your RIPYO audition!  Two versions:

[audio:|titles=03 The Swan] [audio:ëns_-Carnival-Of-The-Animals-The-Swan.mp3|titles=01 Saint-Saëns_ Carnival Of The Animals – The Swan]

Remixing Our Voices

We started to work on a new project.

First, we sat in a circle and made a recording of our voices.


Then we each took this recording to make new pieces, using LogicPro.

Here are the 6 directions for the piece that we made:

1. The length of the piece will be no shorter than 1 minute & no longer than 3 minutes

2. No use of pre-made (by someone else) sounds

3. Use at least 3 different sounds, including 1 new live recording

4. Make this piece “rhythm/beat oriented”

5. Include at least 1 peak point in the piece

6. Don’t loop everything, but repeat something

And here are the pieces!!!

Aiden – [audio:|titles=swagaiden]

Brandon – [audio:|titles=Brandon1]

Emily – [audio:|titles=EmilyC]

Liam – [audio:|titles=Liam pizzicatto 21312]

[audio:|titles=Liam mvmt. 2 21312 1]

Malachy – [audio:|titles=ChickenNuggetsBySnakeSquadMalachyH]



E minor Improv tracks

Play along with your E natural minor scale – get ready for your solo improv March 30th!

[audio:|titles=02 Track 02 31] [audio:|titles=E natural minor bossa nova JazzTracks] [audio:|titles=E minor Latin Jazz Rap] [audio:|titles=2-09 E Minor]





Recordings from Remix Project

We watched a documentary about “the changing concept of copyright”  RiP!: A Remix Manifesto, over a couple of classes.

After watching this documentary we discussed what we learned and what inspired us. We talked about copyright, open source and how remixing music (or any other media, such as film, literature etc) has been done.

Then we decided to work on our remix project.

Each of us picked any pieces of music we wanted to remix, from the genre of “classical music” or “christmas songs”. We Imported the songs to LogicPro and altered them. We worked on this for an hour- couple of hours.

Here is the remixed songs!

Aiden S [audio:|titles=such a tyler christmas]

Gabriel V [audio:|titles=gabrielremix]

Liam H [audio:|titles=Liam Noitorious]

Malachy H [audio:|titles=MalRemix]






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