
G Major Scale – Lyrids

This is your very first scale – sing along with the piano part before playing it.  When you do play it, play slowly, thinking about curved palms, open book, long neck, finger tips and door knob turn.  We’ll start improvising on this scale as soon as you are comfortable with it!

[audio:|titles=G MaJor – 1 octave]

Monaghan Gig – Leonids

This is an Irish tune in our current key of E minor.  Take notice of the slurs and all the shifts! ‘Shift early and often…’  Break the hard parts into 4 – 8 note sections and drill!  We’ll perform this at the Skillz Hour on Friday, October 28th…

[audio:|titles=Leonid’s Monaghan Jig 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=07 The Monaghan Jig]


Monaghan Jig – Perseids

This is an Irish tune in E minor that we will be performing on the Skillz Hour October 28th.  The trickiest part of this is the slurs – practice slowly and correctly!  There are two sections of this tune that will be performed by the Leonids alone – you will hear these, but they are not in your music…

[audio:|titles=Perseid’s Monaghan Jig – 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=07 The Monaghan Jig]

Arran Boat Song – Orions

This is a slow, mournful irish tune named after islands off the coast of Ireland.  It is in 3, and has a dotted rhythm; make sure to feel the second beat before leaving the dotted quarter at the beginning of each measure.  We’re performing this on the October 28th Skillz hour!

[audio:|titles=Arran Boat Song – 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=Arran Boat Song tune only 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=11 Arran Boat Song]

E minor warm-up – Leonids

Say these rhythms a bunch of times before playing them! You are in extension in every position in the scale.  This key, E minor, is the relative minor of G major, which means they share a key signature (one sharp: F#) This is in a ‘call and response’ form, so listen to each cell, then repeat.  The new clef you see is tenor clef – we’ll start using some tenor clef this year… We’ll perform this at the Skillz Hour on Friday, October 28th!

[audio:|titles=Leonid’s E minor Warm-up 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=Leonid’s Fiddle Funk]




E Minor Warm-up – Perseids

Say these rhythms a bunch of times before playing them! You are in extension in 2nd position on the A string.  This key, E minor, is the relative minor of G major, which means they share a key signature (one sharp: F#) This is in a ‘call and response’ form, so listen to each cell, then repeat.  We’ll perform this at the Skillz Hour on Friday, October 28th!

[audio:|titles=Perseid’s E minor Warm-up – 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=Perseid’s Fiddle Funk]

E minor Warm-up – Orions

Say these rhythms a bunch of times before playing them! You are in extension only on the C string for this key, E minor.  E minor is the relative minor of G major, which means they share a key signature (one sharp: F#) This is in a ‘call and response’ form, so listen to each cell, then repeat.  We’ll perform this at the Skillz Hour on Friday, October 28th!

[audio:|titles=Orion’s E minor warm-up – 9.26.11] [audio:|titles=Orion’s E minor Fiddle Funk]




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