
Documentary Class update

The last several weeks have been very productive for the Documentary Team!

On February 14, we focused on interviews. We watched and talked about the below videos, and then practiced interviewing each other. We set up our interview shots to convey different moods, via lighting, focal length, and camera angle: warm, scary, intimate, and distant.

Fifty People, One Question
Anthem in DC: Youth Voices (featuring someone who’s in the class
MacBook Air Ad
RISD Project Open Door video (and the videos and


And see more photos here.

February 21 we watched and talked about the documentary Rip: A Remix Manifesto. We only planned to watch a portion of it, but it was so captivating that we couldn’t stop! The class had a little homework: To find and bring in a short, interesting documentary piece to share next week.

On February 28, we started class by looking at short documentary films everyone watched over the week and used them to talk about structure and shooting styles. We then watched some other films (below) to learn about different filmmaking concepts, and ended the day doing some storyboarding for films to be shot over the next two weeks. – #1 (music video), #4 (bird one), #5 (teasing), #7 (apples)

Our next two meetings (March 14 and 21) were work days. We learned how to edit in iMovie 6HD and got to work. Our pieces will be finished soon – stay tuned!

Production: Half Cadence


Hey Everybody listening, reading, watching! This is a beat I made on Reason on my mac book pro. Its a program like Logic for all you Media Lab folk. You can use loops and place them on the track and compose a awesome beat. I can time stretch using this program (if anybody in media Lab remembers this your awesome). I took a piano loop that came with Reason and as well as some shaker instruments (maracas) and time stretched them to match. To top it off i added some kick drums and snares and made it into a piece.

I titled it Half Cadence for all you learning CMW kids, because a half cadence is something that comes at the a end of a musical phrase that doesn’t sound complete (or like its not over yet). That happens at the end of every 4 beats in this song. Take a Listen.

All of the Lights

Here’s the Intro: [audio:|titles=All of the Lights Intro]

Here’s the Tune: [audio:|titles=All of the Lights Tune]




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