“Karl the Awesome” composed by Karl O, performed by Karl O
[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Karl-the-Awesome-Karl-O.mp3|titles=Karl the Awesome- Karl O]Karl O

Performance Party- June 5, 2010“Karl the Awesome” composed by Karl O, performed by Karl O [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Karl-the-Awesome-Karl-O.mp3|titles=Karl the Awesome- Karl O]Performance Party- June 5, 2010“Reverendo Brothers”, “Make Your Voice Heard” and “Ten Penny Bit” performed by Galo V, Frankie P, Beck R, Lizbeth M, Jayson R, Christian P, Thomas R, Matthew R, Karl O, Elvis R [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Reverendo-Brothers-Make-Your-Voice-Heard-Ten-Penny-Bit-Galo-V-Frankie-P-Beck-R-Lizbeth-M-Jayson-R-Christian-P-Thomas-R-Matthew-R-Karl-O-Elvis-R.mp3|titles=Reverendo Brothers, Make Your Voice Heard, Ten Penny Bit- Galo V, Frankie P, Beck R, Lizbeth M, Jayson R, Christian P, Thomas R, Matthew R, Karl O, Elvis R]Audio/Visual Composition Day 1The first day of Audio/Visual Composition was a great success. Cries of … “Oh my god that’s awesome!” … were heard as students experimented with making Sibelius compositions for the first time. Stay tuned for news of student composition projects!
Performance Party- March 13, 2010“Winter Song” composed by Fesch and “Darling Nelly Gray Medley” a traditional song, performed by Beck R, Frankie P, Lizbeth M, Iris C, Galo V, Thomas R, Matthew R, Christina R, Karl O, cellos [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Winter-Song-and-Darling-Nelly-Gray-Medley-Beck-R-Franky-P.-Lizbeth-M-Iris-C-Galo-V-Thomas-R-Matthew-R-Christina-R-Karl-O.mp3|titles=Winter Song and Darling Nelly Gray Medley]Performance Party- March 13, 2010Theme from Symphony No. 5 composed by Tchaikovsky, performed by Aimee S, Alana P, Alexis N, Alondra R, Amy D, Angel M, Angel V, Angie D, Anthony D, Ashley A, August P, Beck R, Christian Y, Dante L, Enmy C, Francisco L, Galo V, Glademil R, Heather A, Hector R, Iris C, Jessenia G, Jessica O, Joshua M, Karl O, Lizbeth M, Malachy H, Matthew R, Nohely F, Oriana R, Paola P, Paul O, Ruby E, Verrie R, Wilnys T [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Theme-from-Tchaikovskys-Symphony-No.-5-Gabriel-V-Amy-D-Benny-E-Angel-V-Alana-P-Heather-A-Christian-Y-Aismee-S-Paul-O-Luis-O-Zeeny-W-Jessenia-G-Ashel.mp3|titles=Theme from Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5]Performance Party- March 13, 2010“Media Lab Mix” selections from Media Lab projects mixed by Henry K, featuring Paul O, Josh R, Christian Y, Paloma G, David D, Kirby V, Alana P, Angie D, Karl O, Jesse W, Josh R [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/MediaLab-Christian-Y-Paloma-G-David-D-Kirby-V-Alana-P-Angie-D-Karl-O-Jesse-W-Josh-R-Paul-O.mp3|titles=MediaLab]Performance Party- March 13, 2010“Gavotte” in C minor, composed by J.S. Bach, performed by Karl O, cello [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Gavotte-in-C-minor-Karl-O.mp3|titles=Gavotte in C minor by J.S. Bach]Improv TracksFor the improv junkies (especially Frankie!) G Major: [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Daydream-G-Major-1.mp3|titles=Daydream – G Major 1]D Major: [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/D-Major-Taking-It-Slow-Tune.mp3|titles=D Major Taking It Slow Tune]C Major: [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Bop-Around-the-clock-C-Major-2.mp3|titles=Bop Around the clock – C Major 2]D Dorian: [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Devious-D-Dorian-2.mp3|titles=Devious – D Dorian 2]Maple Leaf RagHi Karl and Malachy, This is a new tune for you. Could be a fun project to do around Media Lab…? [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/maple-leaf-rag-1.mp3|titles=maple leaf rag 1] Dorian Swing Improv TrackHi All, This is the Final Dorian Swing Track for Youth Salon – this is to practice your improvs with. Anyone who has practiced over this and feels ready can improv during the performance! Remember, no sharps or flats, but D is your tonic… [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Dorian-Swing-trek-for-YS.mp3|titles=Dorian Swing trek for YS] |