Hi Malachy and Karl!
Here is your new duo to play – Malachy is on melody, Karl is on bass-line.
[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Southwind-Malachy_Karl.mp3|titles=Southwind – Malachy_Karl]
Windblown – MalachyHi Malachy and Karl! Here is your new duo to play – Malachy is on melody, Karl is on bass-line. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Southwind-Malachy_Karl.mp3|titles=Southwind – Malachy_Karl]Dorian Swing – LyrasHi guys, Bass line is up in thumb position – pretty basic. But the big part is that I’m giving you each a solo over the bass line – so practice over it! This is for 3.26 Youth Salon. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Dorian-Swing-Lyras.mp3|titles=Dorian Swing – Lyras]Here is a version of the piece you can practice improving over (and practicing the bass line with!) [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/03-Groovin-For-The-First-Time-Tune3.mp3|titles=03 Groovin’ For The First Time, Tune]Dorian Swing – OrionsHi guys! This is for the March 26th Youth Salon. Make sure to pluck the first half! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Dorian-Swing-Orions.mp3|titles=Dorian Swing – Orions]Here is a fun version of this piece – you should be able to play your bass line along with this! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/03-Groovin-For-The-First-Time-Tune2.mp3|titles=03 Groovin’ For The First Time, Tune]C Major Scale – 2 octavesHi Leonids, Lyras and Perseids! Here are chords to your C Major scale. Practice your slurs with these – and don’t forget the thumb scratchies! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/C-Major-2-Octave.mp3|titles=C Major 2 Octave]C Major Scale – 1 octaveHi Orions! Here is your 0,1,3,4 on the C and G strings, just like the D Major scale fingering! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/C-Major-1-Octave.mp3|titles=C Major 1 Octave]D Major Scale – 2 octavesHi Leonids, Lyras and Perseids! This is for you to practice with. Lyras, do the top 2 octaves of your scale. Nice, straight finger extensions on the G and C strings with a loose thumb behind the second finger. Practice your thumb scratchies while doing this, and add slurs when you’re getting bored! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/D-Major-2-Octave.mp3|titles=D Major 2 Octave]D Major Scale – 1 octaveHi Orions! This is for you – 0,1,3,4 on the D and A strings – up and back down. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/D-Major-1-Octave.mp3|titles=D Major 1 Octave]D Major ImprovI’ve finally recorded this! Don’t forget the extensions on the C and G string if you are a Lyra, Leonid or Perseid! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/D-Major-Improv.mp3|titles=D Major Improv] C Major Warm-upC Major Warm-up – Call and Response, as usual. Don’t forget your F naturals! [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/22-Bop-Around-The-Clock-Preparatory-Page.mp3|titles=C Major Warm-up]A Minor Warm-up – Call and ResponseHi! This is the same fingering as in a C Major Scale, only the tonic is A (which makes it minor!) Call and Response… [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/20-In-The-Mode-Preparatory-Page.mp3|titles=A Minor Warm-up – Call and Response] |