IMPS with Abreu Fellows

On January 24, nine of this year's Abreu Fellows (including CMW Fellowship Program graduate Adrienne Taylor) took the train down from Boston to spend the day at CMW. The reason for their visit was an abbreviated version of our ongoing series of Institutes for Musicianship and Public Service. Sebastian and Chloe had already been up to Boston to meet with the Abreu Fellows at NEC during the fall semester, and it was wonderful to have a chance to host them in Providence, including showing them around our neighborhood.

Overall, the day was devoted to sharing the story of how CMW has developed its model over fourteen years through the lens of being embbedded in a specific urban community, namely Providence's West Side.

There were also breakout sessions to delve into specific topic areas (building a board, nurturing and managing staff, working with parents).

Please visit Abreu Fellow Marie Montilla's blog for more detail about the day.

-Heath Marlow, CMW staff