Year-end fundraising report

In response to our June appeal letter, CMW raised $24,366 from 131 donors. This helped us to
successfully balance our operating budget by June 30th (the end of our fiscal year), an important
achievement in a challenging economic year.

Photo of Phase II and CMW staff by Don Tarallo

A heartfelt "thank you!" to all of our wonderful friends. We truly appreciate your trust and financial investment in Community MusicWorks.

I'd like to also acknowledge our institutional supporters, who provided grants, sponsorships, and in-kind donations to make our 12th season so successful:

Aaron Copland Fund for Music
Amateur Chamber Music Foundation
Amica Insurance
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Argosy Foundation Contemporary Music Fund
Arts and Letters Foundation
Bank Rhode Island
Billy Andrade-Brad Faxon Charities for Children
The Carter Family Charitable Trust
Chamber Music America Residency Endowment Fund
Citizens Bank Foundation
Edgewood Manor
Jephry Floral Studio            

June Rockwell Levy Foundation
Maren Foundation
Mary Beth Meehan Photography
The Met School
National Endowment for the Arts
The Partnership Foundation
The City of Providence's Community Development Block Grant Program
Providence Shelter for Colored Children
The Rhode Island Foundation
Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra
The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts
The Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED Charitable Foundation
Sovereign Bank Foundation
Surdna Foundation
West End Community Center
Your Heaven®

-Heath Marlow, CMW staff