March 2008 conference documentation

Thanks to Jori, documentation of the March 2008 Imagining Art + Social Change conference is available in the form of a beautifully designed 38-page book. You can order your own copy of the book at for $19.95, where you can also enjoy an online preview!


I was completely in love with the idea of playing string quartets professionally but really disenchanted with where people traditionally play string quartets and how its done. Simultaneously, I was very intrigued with the idea of music playing a role in education and specifically a role in transforming people's lives. I was working at Brown on some independent projects on music and moral education and finding those books and those conversations somewhat too oriented around what's good behavior and what's not good behavior. That's not the idea of moral education that I was fascinated with. I was more interested with what music can stir in someone's inner life in a very significant way that would make them want change personally. -Sebastian Ruth

You can also find all sorts of documentation of the conference at CMW's website (also available thanks to Jori).

-Heath Marlow, CMW staff