Voices from Syria: Panel Discussion with Kinan Azmeh

Community MusicWorks hosts Syrian composer and clarinetist Kinan Azmeh for a multi-day residency, featuring performances of works for strings and clarinet by Syrian composers, including Azmeh himself. In conjunction with the performance, this forum links the concert to the ongoing Syrian crisis, and will feature composers and representatives from Dorcas International Institute, which provides ongoing support to Syrian refugees in Rhode Island.
About Kinan Azmeh:
Hailed as a “virtuoso” by the New York Times and “spellbinding” by the New Yorker, Azmeh’s utterly distinctive sound across different musical genres has gained him international recognition as clarinetist and composer.
Thursday, February 28 at 5:00pm
Panel Discussion: Dialogue with composers Kinan Azmeh and Kareem Roustom centered on music during the Syrian crisis
Grant Recital Hall, Brown University Department of Music
105 Benevolent Street, Providence
Admission is free
Click here to make reservations
Map and directions here
Be sure to also join us for the culminating concert:
Saturday, March 2 at 7:30pm
Voices from Syria: MusicWorks Collective with Kinan Azmeh
Quintet “Fence, Rooftop, Distant Sea” by Kinan Azmeh, and work by Kareem Roustom and Wang Lu
Granoff Center, Martinos Auditorium
154 Angell Street, Providence, RI
Click here to make reservations
Map and directions here