PSQ at Greenwood

The PSQ has just returned from its annual August retreat, during which we dived into the fall repertoire. The special new feature this year was that we retreated to Greenwood Music Camp in Western Mass. (high school summer home for Chloe, Heath, and Jesse H.) What a wonderful start to the year to have a week to learn Beethoven quartets in the setting of rolling hills, a beautiful concert barn in which to rehearse, a garden full of veggies offering food for our dinners, and the wonderfully rustic barns and cabins for sleeping quarters!



A friend of CMW recently asked what we do to keep our artistic level high while doing so much work in the community constantly. The answer was two-fold: one is the obvious–lots of rehearsal time in our work week. The other answer was retreats! Having this week to focus intensively on learning the new repertoire, practice, watch old videos of the Amadeus Quartet, and swim got us in great shape and got us inspired for the year ahead.

See you soon with Op. 18/4, the "Harp" Quartet, and the surprise "Variations on a Theme of Beethoven’s’s"…

-Sebastian Ruth, Providence String Quartet

[Editor: Note the bug masks hanging in the barn. Greenwood was the site of early work on The Bug Opera by Geoff Hudson and Alisa Pearson which CMW and Opera Providence brought to the Columbus Theatre in November 2006.]