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Fiddling resources online and in the world!

Here are some local and web resources to keep you fiddling and listening to great tunes this summer (and all year round)!  Keep me updated on your fiddling adventures!

Listen to great tunes in both slow and fast versions, some sheet music is also posted:

Music jams every Sunday night from 7-9 PM (with sheet music provided), all instruments welcome, many styles of tunes.  Goff Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA (about a 20-25 min drive from Providence)
once a month there is a potluck and community dance along with the jam

Download a free trial version of this software.
You can listen to the beginning of most music on a computer in a much slower speed but at the same pitch!

can be found at this site.  You can also find sheet music (treble clef only) for many other celtic styles.

July 29-31, 2011 – yes, it’s an hour drive away, but it’s also the largest free folk festival in the US!  Hear performers here from all over the world.

Sept 2-4, Free but you can register online starting June 1st.  Charlestown, RI.
It’s an hour drive, but a great experience to learn Cajun tunes and perform at the end of the weekend.  The academy takes under a tent across the way from the festival gates.
Give me a call if you want to try this.

Sept 9-18, all types of great free music around Pawtucket

The calendar isn’t up yet, but check back: concerts are Friday nights in July and August.

I Broke A Music Rule!!

Uh oh I am in trouble with the Musical Law hahaha. Just recently on this track I composed a chord progression in c minor. 1 – V/iidim (Not allowed to do that)- ii- V65-i. Basically i am not allowed to make a dominant chord out of diminished chords but i made one anyway, it fits nicely too. I made this this morning and finished mastering it tonight. I been reading and learning a bit on some blogs on how to get better at Logic. I hope you enjoy this piece I made from scratch everyone.[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ShockMastered.mp3|titles=ShockMastered]

The Sad Tunafish

It seems our other viola fiddle tune is a little too long to post right now, but here’s the tune we composed after improvising in G minor in Fiddle Lab over a couple of weeks this winter leading up to the Youth Salon.  Named by Christian, it’s called “The Sad Tunafish” (or was it tune-a-fish?)


[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/sad-tunafish.mp3|titles=sad tunafish]

Hey, it has been a while!

So, I got great news, I got a version of Logic Studio, so I have been messing with Logic again. I used a technique I learned from Henry Kerins, which was to chop up sounds in a song using the slice and scissor tool in Logic.

I then inserted them into the Sampler instrument in Logic, something that Henry taught me back in the Media Lab class, to move the song around where i want the sounds to sound.

I then added a rock/ Hip-hop drum to the song, all done by me =).  Last but not least I thought it was missing some funk, so I added an organ to the song, with a very syncopated rhythm I learned about in Music Lab.

Enjoy this track everyone =D!!!!!! Listen and spread the knowledge and experiment.

– Josh

Media Literacy

On March 28 we talked about media literacy. We started out discussing what we mean when we say media, and from there we picked several categories of media we engage with regularly (YouTube, text messages, etc) and designated M&M colors for each category. Then we sorted M&Ms based on how many times we engaged with those different forms of media over the past weekend to get an idea of how much and how often we are exposed to (and influenced by) media in our lives. The results made everyone think.


We moved on to talking about literacy, and why literacy is important. We took a media literacy quiz quiz together, and talked about the various ways you can create (and recognize) persuasive or subjective media.

We ended class by watching and discussing Outfoxed, a documentary on Fox News… while we ate the M&Ms.

Documentary Class update

The last several weeks have been very productive for the Documentary Team!

On February 14, we focused on interviews. We watched and talked about the below videos, and then practiced interviewing each other. We set up our interview shots to convey different moods, via lighting, focal length, and camera angle: warm, scary, intimate, and distant.

Fifty People, One Question
Anthem in DC: Youth Voices (featuring someone who’s in the class http://vimeo.com/18405215
MacBook Air Ad http://www.apple.com/macbookair/
RISD Project Open Door video http://www.vimeo.com/11245704 (and the videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DW4bg6hSpXo and


And see more photos here.

February 21 we watched and talked about the documentary Rip: A Remix Manifesto. We only planned to watch a portion of it, but it was so captivating that we couldn’t stop! The class had a little homework: To find and bring in a short, interesting documentary piece to share next week.

On February 28, we started class by looking at short documentary films everyone watched over the week and used them to talk about structure and shooting styles. We then watched some other films (below) to learn about different filmmaking concepts, and ended the day doing some storyboarding for films to be shot over the next two weeks.

http://www.icateens.org/fast-forward/gallery – #1 (music video), #4 (bird one), #5 (teasing), #7 (apples)

Our next two meetings (March 14 and 21) were work days. We learned how to edit in iMovie 6HD and got to work. Our pieces will be finished soon – stay tuned!

Audio/Visual Composition Day 1

The first day of Audio/Visual Composition was a great success. Cries of …

“Oh my god that’s awesome!”
“I love this.”
“This is fun!”
“That sounds pretty good!”

… were heard as students experimented with making Sibelius compositions for the first time.

Stay tuned for news of student composition projects!




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