Tag Archives: Henry Kerins

Hey, it has been a while!

So, I got great news, I got a version of Logic Studio, so I have been messing with Logic again. I used a technique I learned from Henry Kerins, which was to chop up sounds in a song using the slice and scissor tool in Logic.

I then inserted them into the Sampler instrument in Logic, something that Henry taught me back in the Media Lab class, to move the song around where i want the sounds to sound.

I then added a rock/ Hip-hop drum to the song, all done by me =).  Last but not least I thought it was missing some funk, so I added an organ to the song, with a very syncopated rhythm I learned about in Music Lab.

Enjoy this track everyone =D!!!!!! Listen and spread the knowledge and experiment.

– Josh

Karl O, 5-24-10

Today in Media Lab I completed my track that I will play for the Performance Party. In the beginning I started off with an orchestra. As it goes on I added some robot sounds and drum beats. Then at the end I ended with a violin.

I used the tempo changes to transition because each loop was a different tempo, so if you slow it down then it goes back to a normal tempo which blends in.

I picked the orchestra sounds because it sounded hip-hopish, and thats what I wanted my piece to sound like.

[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Karl-the-Awesome.mp3|titles=Karl the Awesome ]

MediaLab is AWESOME!!

Karl O, 5-10-10

Today in Media Lab, I created a new track for the Performance Party.

I started off with something that was based on an orchestra that was playing hip-hop music. Then, I added an audio file that souds like a robot. After it goes on and comes back to the orchestra. Check it out!

Karl O
[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Output-1-2.mp3|titles=Karl ]

“Henry” by Paul O, 5-10-10

Today I finally finished my piece that I have been working on for about 3 weeks.

I added one more bass line to what I was originally working on, and then added a solo to it on the piano, and then bounced the final copy of it. I bet 5 dollars I will win this competition.

“Henry” by Paul O
[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Henrybypauloung.mp3|titles=”Henry” by Paul O ]

Karl O, 5-3-10

Today in Media Lab I created a track which contains part from a video called Leeroy Jenkins. In the beginning, the entrance of the track starts off with someone shouting “Leeroy Jenkins.” After the entrance of the track, a bassline starts. As the bassline goes on, a guitar comes in. As the track goes on, another person shouts Leeroy Jenkins. I’m going to keep working on it so I can share it next week.

Josh R, 5-3-10

Hey today wasn’t the most creative day I have had. I guess its one of those days… I am experiencing beat makers block. I had no creativity or idea of what to do. So today I learned mixing techniques and how to make better sounding kick drums. It brought back other things I learned from the media lab class. The thing I had to use was the EQ, which messes with the bandwidth and specific parts of a sound. Once again I’d like to thank Jori Ketten and Henry Kerins for taking their Monday afternoon to work with us kids and teaching us something new and innovative.




Performances, Events, Projects
