Karl O

Amazing Grace – Lyras
[audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Amazing-Grace-Lyras.mp3|titles=Amazing Grace – Lyras]
Banish Misfortune – KarlHi Karl and Malachy! Another duet, this time Karl is the melody, and Malachy is the bass line. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Banish-Misfortune-Karl.mp3|titles=Banish Misfortune – Karl]Windblown – MalachyHi Malachy and Karl! Here is your new duo to play – Malachy is on melody, Karl is on bass-line. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Southwind-Malachy_Karl.mp3|titles=Southwind – Malachy_Karl]Dorian Swing – LyrasHi guys, Bass line is up in thumb position – pretty basic. But the big part is that I’m giving you each a solo over the bass line – so practice over it! This is for 3.26 Youth Salon. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Dorian-Swing-Lyras.mp3|titles=Dorian Swing – Lyras]Here is a version of the piece you can practice improving over (and practicing the bass line with!) [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/03-Groovin-For-The-First-Time-Tune3.mp3|titles=03 Groovin’ For The First Time, Tune]Here’s where you can listen to Swallowtail Jig: both slow and fast versionsHuntsman’s Chorus in progressWe recorded our Huntman’s Chorus at the beginning of Fiddle Lab on 11/18/10. The second time you can hear me calling out the bass line: all G, C, & D! This is still pretty rough, but you can play along with it for sure. It starts about 11 seconds in. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Huntsmans-chorus-Fiddle-Lab-11.18.mp3|titles=Huntsman’s chorus Fiddle Lab 11.18] Silent Night – KarlHi Karl! Have fun with this – it’s one of those pieces – your ear knows where to guide the hand (it goes up high..) The page with fingering is with Sarah – she’ll give it to you Monday. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Silent-Night-advanced.mp3|titles=Silent Night advanced] Aria from the Goldberg Variations – KarlHi Karl! You are learning this for the Teacher’s Bach Marathon in November 13 and 14th. Listen to this as much as you can – the rhythms are pretty tricky, but I know you’ll play it beautifully![audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Aria-from-Goldberg-Variations.mp3|titles=Aria from Goldberg Variations] Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year!Here’s to a great year! Karl O, 5-24-10Today in Media Lab I completed my track that I will play for the Performance Party. In the beginning I started off with an orchestra. As it goes on I added some robot sounds and drum beats. Then at the end I ended with a violin. I used the tempo changes to transition because each loop was a different tempo, so if you slow it down then it goes back to a normal tempo which blends in. I picked the orchestra sounds because it sounded hip-hopish, and thats what I wanted my piece to sound like. [audio:http://www.communitymusicworks.org/medialab/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Karl-the-Awesome.mp3|titles=Karl the Awesome ]MediaLab is AWESOME!! |