The CMW Student Committee is back and bigger than ever!
Last year’s CMW Student Committee co-chair Roma has graduated from CMW, so joining us this year is Jarilyn Lizana as the new co-chair and Student Board Member. This student-run blog is also run by CMW Student Committee co-chair and Student Board Member Jannessa Ya, Alumni Fellow Liam Hopkins, and CMW board members Kelly Clifton and Michelle Wu.
For those who may not know, the Student Committee is one of the subgroups of the Board of Directors of CMW. Its Student Representatives are elected by Phase II students.
Currently, the Student Committee has been creating blog articles, participating in Board meetings, and more.
Read our previous post to learn more about this blog and the Student Committee, linked here.
Some fun facts about our members:
Jarilyn has been playing the violin at CMW for 4 years. A fun fact about her is that she can speak 3 languages: Spanish, French, and Italian (in addition to English).
Jannessa has been playing the violin at CMW for 11 years. A fun fact about her is that she is left-handed.
A fun fact about Michelle is that she has competed in US National tournaments for ultimate frisbee in two divisions: once in the collegiate division, then almost 20 years later at the Women’s Masters division.
A fun fact about Kelly is that her dog is adopted from Puerto Rico and he loves the snow.
A fun fact about Liam is that he has a twin!